"Every day a story" 2011 / 2013
For those who know my work, these works may seem strange and out of my style.
First I want to clarify that my way of working is with ideas, and these sometimes require different styles and techniques.
Then we must keep in mind that if there is something good about being part of a collective (Cops d'ull, with which I exhibited these works) it is that by raising a topic in which each member feels comfortable, it forces us to move along paths that otherwise would not have occurred to us.
This work arose little by little, I began to collect photographs downloaded from a webcamp located on El Sardinero beach in Santander (a place to which I am connected by many things, and a place that has inspired much of my work), every day at the same time I would enter the webcam with my computer and download a photo, sometimes there were people, other times it was empty, it was raining or there was bright sun, sometimes the fog made it impossible to see anything.
I realized that this place was very different every day, the very changing sky and the sea, in addition to the different seasons, helped a lot.
I thought “here every day a different story could be written”, I decided to cut the photos in a circular shape, since the circle is a shape that symbolizes time as something that always begins again. The next step was to put each one on the cover of a book where the story of that moment in that place could be told.
Covering them in wax is an action to create a distance between the viewer and the book, a distance that leaves the photo as a vestige to be deciphered, sometimes we can barely see the photo and other times everything is a little clearer.